Quantum Cloud

Gap Analysis Against The CIS Benchmark

Security Configuration Audit

If penetration testing has taught us anything, it's that most vulnerabilities are not actually vulnerabilities per se, but rather system misconfigurations. Sidestep this risk with ease by running daily configuration security audits on your cloud instances to generate best practice recommendations.



Insights Into Your Cloud Instances

Cloud Security Rating

Quantum Armor rates your cloud security posture on a daily basis so you can clearly visualize your security posture at any point in time. This rating can be made public to showcase your commitment to cyber security, or kept internal until your mitigation plan is fully implemented.

AI-driven Analysis

Spot Trends

Track trends in your cloud configuration security to better anticipate your cyber security needs as you grow. Stay on top of your attack surface as new resources are deployed in the cloud and apply security-by-default and by-design.



Track Down Your Enemies

Geolocate Your Attackers

Geographically pinpoint the origin of an attack and apply filters to block suspicious web traffic. Identify your attackers and proactively defend against their attempts to break in by tracking down their location and IP. Stay one step ahead.

Contact Us

Quantum Armor™ is a Silent Breach product.
Silent Breach is a leading cybersecurity firm specializing in network security and digital asset protection.
Please visit https://silentbreach.com to learn more.

Silent Breach, Inc.
New York City,
NY 10016, USA
P: +1 (727) 497-7941
Silent Breach SAS
32 avenue Kléber
75116 Paris
P: +33 1 87 65 98 25
Silent Breach, LLC
7 Temasek Boulevard,
SUNTEC Tower one,
P: +65 3159 3424
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